My entry comes from Comix Zone for the Mega Drive/Genesis:
I tried something different with this stage. In the original game, Sketch (the protagonist)
could jump from one square of the comic book to another to progress in the game. However, since
that would require interaction between chars and stages, which Mugen doesn't support (outside
full-games), I decided to have the background moving instead, making it scroll through six
different sections.
Each row of the comic book consists of some squares that summarize the stage they came from,
so the first row is of stage 1-1, the second of stage 1-2 and so on, all the way to stage 3-2.
Every time the background is about to change, an arrow appears pointing to where the chars
are going, kind of like the original game. This actually plays an important role as it allows a
human player to be aware of that change, so it doesn't surprise him.
Also added a short stage intro taken from the main menu of the game.
About the stage's size, it should be wide enough (same width as the original, which is just a
bit wider than Capcom stages), but due to the limited height of each row, it can get a little
tight for average-sized chars. Smaller chars (pocket, platformers, etc), however, have plenty
of room.
The BGM comes from the first stage of the game, just because I consider it more of a main
theme than the main theme itself, and is a lot more memorable.
Know Issue:
- This stage needs to use a lot of foreground elements, so lifebars that are placed on layer 0
may not be displayed properly (I'll add an extra def with less FG sprites in the future, after the contest).
The only difference between the version on the site and the one I mailed is that the latter includes the screenshot and readme (which I just posted anyway). Also, I won't be updating the stage until the contest is over, to make it easier for everyone (myself inlcluded).